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Monday, July 25, 2011

Second English Camp

Hello once again from Hungary!  I hope everyone is well!  Last week was the second English Camp in the city of Eger.  It was such a neat experience to do two English Camps back-to-back.  Everyone was pretty exhausted at the end of the two weeks, but it was worth it!  This English Camp was run by my friends Nick and Rosemary, who I am now staying with for a while in their home in Eger.  Shane and Marianna also served at the English Camps in Debrecen and in Eger.  
The first English Camp in Debrecen had a theme of “CSI”.  The theme was in the teachings and activities.  There were English lessons every day, and I worked with a great Hungarian teacher named Tünde.  I learned so much from observing her and working with her on how to teach.  The cabins that we stayed in had 6 to 8 people in a room.  It was fun to get to know many people at the camp.  There were so many teachers and students to get to know.  There are so many wonderful people that I am meeting here in Hungary!  I miss everyone at home, I look forward to seeing everyone in a little over a month when I return.  The middle of the week during camp marked the half-way point of my trip.   

These camps are so great for the kids, they have a chance to learn English, play games, relax, listen to testimonies, and have FUN!  There were lots of activities to do like sports and crafts.  At the end of the camp, we did a big scavenger hunt and were CSI investigators.  One part of the game was to find the undercover agents that were on the flier for the camp.  One of the agents was Shane, so that was very fun for kids to find him on the flier. 

The second English Camp in Eger was ran by Nick and Rosemary, who I am now staying with at their home in Eger.  It was a very fun camp with great lessons and fun activities for the kids.  There was a great team of people from Denver, CO that came to help out.  There were a lot of great native Hungarians teaching as well at both camps.  It was great to have so many wonderful helpers!  The campground in Eger had great cabins with 3 to 4 people in a room.  They also had a cool coffee shop that I was able to work in for one night.  It was very fun! It is so great to have a large variety of ministry opportunities this summer in Hungary.  At this camp, I had a great co-teacher named Balázs.  We had a group of all girls who were eager to learn and very sweet.  On the last day, the girls did a dance in front of the whole camp that was so cute!  I also had my birthday at the camp, which was very special!  The whole camp sang “Happy Birthday” to me and they gave me a cake and flowers!  Some people even bought me yummy coffee from the coffee shop!  It was a very special day and I had a great time with all my new and old friends here in Hungary!!!
Now I am in Eger at Nick and Rosemary’s house checking out the ministry in Eger.  I have attended the church and heard some great teachings and had wonderful fellowship!  The churches in Szolnok and Eger have been so wonderful!  There are great things happening in Hungary, and it is exciting to be here to serve with them! Praise the Lord! Thank you all for your prayers and support!  May God continue to feed your hungry hearts and my Hungary Heart! <3

Sunday, July 17, 2011

English Camp

Hello from Hungary!  Last week was the first English Camp in the city of Debrecen, and it was awesome!  Tomorrow is the first day of the second English Camp in the city of Eger.  Things have been super busy, almost non-stop for at least 10 days or so.  I apologize that I have not updated the blog recently.  The English Camp went very well last week!!!  Praise the Lord, many kids were saved!!!  I will definitely write a longer post about it soon, but for now here are some pictures of a few of the many students that were baptized.  Praise the Lord, things are going very well here in Hungary!  Thank you for your prayers and support!  I will continue to pray for all of you as well!  I miss you!  I will post a more detailed update soon, hopefully in the next few days or most likely next week.  God bless you!  May God continue to feed your hungry heart and my Hungary Heart! <3

Sunday, July 10, 2011

More Pictures!

Preparing For Camp & Update

Hello, everyone!  I hope you all are well!  Tomorrow is the beginning of the first English Camp.  It will be in the city of Debrecen.  I am very excited; it will be a lot of fun!  The English Camp themes are “CSI” and there are a lot of fun activities planned!  I have been helping with the preparation for the camps by gathering YouTube videos for the themes, shopping for supplies, and preparing lessons.  In addition to teaching conversational English, we also will be teaching the kids practical things, such as how to prepare for traveling, dream jobs verses real jobs, family, saving money, school, writing resumes, interviewing, and more!   

It is not an official Christian Camp, but the church is running it and we are free to share the Gospel with the kids.  All the parents and kids know this, it is great that they are open to hearing the Gospel.  It should be a very fun and rewarding camp!  Please be praying that there are many opportunities to witness!
There have been other great opportunities for sharing the Gospel on this trip.  For example, I was eating a meal at a Hungarian’s family’s home who are not Christians.  They asked Marianna to pray before the meal, which was a very big deal because they have never asked her to do that before, and they have been friends for many years!  It was super encouraging to see their hearts begin to soften and be more open to the Gospel.  Please be praying that we can have multiple opportunities to share the Gospel with this family and others, as we will be spending more time with them this summer.

There also have been many visitors to Shane and Marianna’s home, which is wonderful!  These dear friends of mine definitely have the gift of hospitality.  It is fun to meet so many people, most of whom are native Hungarians.  It is interesting to talk with them about their lives and their culture.  We are also sharing about the Gospel as much as possible, we even had some of their friends join us for our nightly Bible Study!

One really exciting thing we have been doing is going to a public elementary school and volunteering.  We help the teachers with whatever they need, such as in a computer lab or a class about American history.  We also play games with them at recess.  Something very exciting is that Shane and I were able to teach music to the students!  This is very exciting to me because I was a Music Education major before switching to Business Administration.  Also, my Senior Capstone Project was a Music Festival all about Music Education.  Even more exciting than sharing the joy of music, we were able to sing secular songs AND worship songs!!!  Shane had his guitar and we sang in harmony and it was a great time!  I believe the Lord was honored, and I even talked to two of the teachers of the school, both my age, about the Gospel.  It was an awesome experience!  We also surprised the class by buying the entire class ice cream to bless them.  The kids were surprised and so excited!  Seeing their joy was a blessing to us as well!

God is opening many doors for sharing the Gospel on this trip; please pray that we continue to be vessels for Him!  Also, please be praying for the English Camps, the first one starts tomorrow.  May God bless you, I miss you all and I am praying for you!  May God continue to feed your hungry hearts and my Hungary Heart this summer! <3