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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Activities Update

Thank you all for your moral, financial, and spiritual support for this mission trip!  It has been a very exciting 3 and 1/2 weeks so far!  I have mostly been staying in the city of Szolnok.  I also will be serving in Budapest, Eger, Vajta, and other cities this summer!  I have been serving on the Worship Team and in the Children's Ministry at the church.  We have been having a lot of Bible Studies, Fellowship, as well as doing Street Evangelism.  We are preparing for the upcoming English Camp and other activities.

Almost every day I am able to walk around town with Shane, Marianna, baby Emily.  It is so interesting staying in another country for an extended period of time.  After visiting the museum at the beginning of my trip, observing people, and talking with Hungarians it is very interesting to learn about the history and culture of the country.  Common activities such as walking around town and going to the store are such different experiences than in the U.S.  There are some great cute little shops to buy bread and common items, and there are also big stores like Costco that I have been to a few times when we buy food and other essentials.  It is great to be involved in the day-to-day lives with missionaries, seeing how the ministry is constantly on their minds and hearts.

The last few days have been a time of preparation for upcoming English Camps, Conferences, and other ministry activities.  It is an honor to be a part of the preparation for these events.  My Senior Project for my BS Degree that I just graduated with last month was doing an event, so it is neat to be helping with events right away.  In doing research for the camps, I am also implementing tools and knowledge that I learned while obtaining my degree from WJU.  In the Bible, Genesis 22:14 (NKJV) says, "And Abraham called the name of the place, The-LORD-Will-Provide; as it is said to this day, "In the Mount of the LORD it shall be provided."  The Lord equips us to do the work that He has called us to do, whether it is on a mission trip or at home.  I am excited to see what will happen this summer in Hungary, and what will happen in all of your lives this summer as well!  This mission trip to Hungary has been very rewarding so far, as I have been able to serve, learn, and participate in ministry in a variety of ways!   I look forward to sharing this journey with you as God feeds your hungry hearts and my Hungary Heart! <3

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